Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun.
All I really gotta do is live and die,
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why
Don't know why I have to drive so fast.
My car has nothing to prove.
It's not new.
But it'll do zero to sixty in five point two.
All I really gotta do is live and die,
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why
Don't know why I have to drive so fast.
My car has nothing to prove.
It's not new.
But it'll do zero to sixty in five point two.
Whoosh! There goes another one. Isn’t the speed limit 75 mph? I’m doing 73 and people are blowing by me like I’m parked! Further down the Interstate it turns to 80 mph. They still fly by. What’s the deal?
Why are people in such a hurry? It’s hurry to work, hurry to get things done, hurry to go home…just so you can do it all again tomorrow. Why is everyone in such a rush?
We all talk about not having enough time. We say there’s never enough time in a day. Time for what? To hurry through whatever it is we are doing so we can just do more? The more time we seem to have the more we try to squeeze into it. Are we setting unrealistic goals for ourselves? Is that the pressure to hurry and get there?
The message to hurry is seen everywhere. What do fast food, convenience store, and drive through window bring to mind? Does the hurry-up attitude we have promote happiness? Are you happy? Do you have fun? Do you enjoy yourself? Or are you going so fast you don’t even notice the things around you? What would happen if we all slowed down and took the time to actually take pleasure in something? Instead of rushing to our destination maybe we should experience the journey.
Think about the week ahead of you. Make a conscious effort one day and live that day. Don’t think of the things you need to do or didn’t get done. Concentrate on what you are doing now. Don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes. Think of what you can achieve. Look around. Slow your thinking. Notice things you never saw before. Take pleasure in what you are doing. Hurrying is often a mindset. It’s not always in how fast we do things.
A knitting friend of mine posted the other day and said, “Ever wish you could hit the pause button on the world just long enough to catch up?” Maybe that’s the key. Pause; slow down; experience your life.
Oh, I hear a voice
That says I'm running behind.
Better pick up my pace.
It's a race and there ain't no room for someone in second place…
Sometimes I do get in a hurry. Probably because I like to hit the snooze button and then I have to rush so I won’t be late. But I don’t go over the speed limit. Sometimes I am a little late but I figure in all the time I’ve put in it really doesn’t matter. I’m not in a hurry to get through with knitayear. Well, I am and I’m not. It’s kept me focused in a strange way. I had a commitment. And I actually kept it up. I sometimes had to do two or three days worth of knitting but I kept a record of how I felt and I added yarn to mark it. Day 361, March 27, and I’m headed to Austin. I’m getting something new added to my other duties at work and this is an update meeting. Of course the plane is delayed when we hit Dallas. But otherwise it’s a smooth flight. When we got to Austin we ate at the Magnolia CafĂ©. It’s an Austin place and eclectic but good. Then we tried checking into our hotel. It was supposed to have all been taken care of but when we got there it was mass confusion. The poor girl at the desk got us in but not without a lot of trouble. I chose a pale aqua that has some red in it. Day 362, March 28, is the first day of meetings. It’s okay but they really can’t tell us much until all the legislative sessions have ended. So we heard a lot of stuff like this is how it is but it could change. Really informative but not their fault I guess. I would have thought it smarter to just postpone and meet after the legislative session. But they didn’t ask me. We had a dinner meeting at a good place called Vivo’s. It’s another Austin place. I had food of course but also a Hibiscus Margarita. It was pretty and it was tasty. We had an informal meeting and all was good. When we left all of the women were presented with a long stem rose. It’s a Vivo thing but it’s a nice touch. I chose a pink variegated rayon boucle.
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Raising my glass! |
Finished with the last strip! |
What a beautiful mess! |
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun.
All I really gotta do is live and die.
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why.