I was kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can't be late 'cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days when you wish your bed was already made.
There’s the alarm. It’s too early. But it’s awful light outside. Oh no! It’s going off an hour later than it should be! Jump up. I hurry, hurry, hurry, only to be late anyway. It’s my fault but I say what a way to start a Monday!

Why is Monday a bad day? It shouldn’t be. It’s the start of a new work week. On the other hand, maybe that’s what makes it a bad day. It’s the start of a new work week! Maybe it’s not Monday that’s bad. Maybe we just make Monday the scapegoat.
If you dread Monday maybe what you are really dreading is returning to your job or situation. Maybe you are going back to something you really don’t want to be doing. If it’s that way every Monday there could be a problem.

(Picture from Minniepauz)
Superstitions tied in with Monday are both good and bad. “Monday’s child if fair of face.” That means if you were born on a Monday you are supposed to be nice looking. If you find the first flower of spring on a Monday it’s supposed to mean you’ll have good fortune. But if you have to move to another house don’t do it on Monday. It’s supposed to be bad luck. Other bad luck things to do on Monday are to get married, wear emerald, make a promise or begin new business. If it’s bad luck to begin new business on Monday, why do we usually start our workweek then?
The weekends seem to be getting shorter and shorter. By the time the weekend is here you have to do all the things that you couldn’t get done during the week. Two days just isn’t enough time. So here you are working just as hard if not harder on the weekend, when you are supposed to be relaxing. Chances are you are returning to work or your usual Monday situation, as tired as or even more tired than you were when you left on Friday.
What happens if your work week is Tuesday through Saturday? Instead of starting new on Monday you have to go back to work on Tuesday. Do you still have bad Mondays? Or is all of your ill will toward Monday suddenly transferred to Tuesday?
Me? I can have a bad Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday, just as easily as a bad Monday. If the alarm doesn’t go off and I have that jumpstart out of bed, chances are it might not be the best day regardless of where it falls in the week.
Try this next Monday. Regardless of whether you are on time to work or late, try to smile. If you smile it might help clear up the bad feeling about Monday and bring you a good mood. It will certainly make your coworkers wonder what you are up to! And remember, if there was no Monday there wouldn’t be a Friday. So be thankful you’re here to see another Monday, and that you have something to do, whether it’s work or school or just relaxing. And, have a great Monday!
I’m finally caught up with the knitting on the knitayear. I keep track of the days but with recent travel I got behind on the actual knitting. There are a lot of days here. Day 62, June 1, is the first day of the third month of the project. It was also the day I drove home from Tulsa. I chose a Noro that is kind of grayish purple. I knew if I persevered I’d soon make it home. The next day, Day 63, was back to work. It was a crazy busy day, trying to get in some things before deadlines. I was very industrious. I picked a busy yarn, a fuzzy pink, yellow and purple variegated. Day 64 was fairly disgusting. There’s lots of stuff going on at work, people acting crazy. The redeeming part of the day was the fact it’s my baby boy’s birthday. I chose a black with a ribbon of all colors wound with it. I can’t believe he’s 22. Where has the time gone? Day 65 I was relieved to see some things were settling down at work, for that day anyway. It was Friday and a lot of people were gone. It was a quiet day at work, good for catching up on things. I chose a rust color yarn. It just seemed the right color. Day 66 was a relaxed day. I chose a pink yarn with a silver sparkle. Pink is relaxing and the silver spark is for the weekend! Day 67 was Sunday, a restful day. I chose a pale blue. It’s calming and relaxing and helped me gear up for another week. Finally, day 68 was white, a boucle. It’s a happy day. It’s our anniversary. 30 years. I wish I could say it’s all been fun but it hasn’t. But it’s all been worth it. The white is for happy and the little bumps of the boucle are for the pearls I got as a present. Thank you Al!
It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my Fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday.
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